This document is for WiseBird agents, AND for persons joining the team. The time has come to REPEAT this important service, using today's internet.

Given the financial crisis in which many families find themselves today we are proud to be able to INCREASE THE DEATH BENEFIT AND REDUCE MONTHLY PREMIUMS BY REPLACING CASH VALUE POLICIES WITH LOW-COST TERM LIFE INSURANCE in order to provide, within one's budget, the most financial benefit for currently dependent loved ones left behind. Its purchase speaks of love and concern. Life insurance bought for business or tax purposes is another matter.

Let customers know that they can, if they wish, use recovered cash values and monthly savings to reduce outstanding debts, add to savings accounts, pay for medical and dental services, etc.

They will be annoyed, to say the least, when discovering that their life insurance salesman who may be a relative, a friend, or a neighbor, took advantage of their desire for life insurance protection to move them into a very poor investment, and likely pocketed for themself their entire first year's "savings", before you, a WiseBird Agent, came along.

A narrative created and pushed by the life insurance industry for more than a century is embedded in the minds of most people. There is a "knee jerk" association to the words "life insurance", conjuring up an image of money safely positioned for the future. The fact is that there is some truth to this since it is necessary for companies to own and safely hold customers' "cash values" (funny banking rules not withstanding) in order to meet their legal contractual obligation to pay beneficiaries the full "face amount" of "policies" (contracts) when deaths occur.

Although the death claim (face amount) consists of a cash value policy's internal term life insurance (the existence and cost of which are not disclosed at the time of sale) together with 100% of one's accumulated "savings" (overcharges called "cash values"), the companies trained sales agents refer to the full amount paid at death as "insurance". No other savings account or true invesment that is inherited by one's survivors is called "insurance". Life insurance companies love their own definitions for obvious reasons.

Speaking of definitions, the word "permanent" tops the weasle-worded scam. Because the policyholders' savings are not paid out until death occurs (unless borrowed) and are included in the death claim (or constitute the entire death claim) the companies call their contract PERMANENT INSURANCE. There ought to be a law!

The industry has a history of being perhaps criminally irresponsible. Shortly after the publication of Financial Recovery premiums soared when Universal Life Insurance was introduced. Policies lapsed and many families were even more damaged financially by UL than when they had been sold any other variety of cash value policy. Those responsible glibly shifted historical blame to macro-economic events, including the unpredictable prime interest rate, rather than on the deceitful structure of hugely profitable cash value contracts.

The companies could easily, on a single billing, split each premium payment between payment for the actual (term) insurance portion of its contract and place overcharges into Flexible Premium Deferred Annuities (accumulation accounts that grow tax-deferred) bearing the same beneficiaries named on the contract (policy). The reason that they do not, of course, is because of immense profits generated by the cash value concept and its funny banking rules. It is ironic that the same industry makes available the FPDA.

There is nothing to prevent an insured from putting funds into an IRA (within statutory limits) "rolling over" into it other tax qualified funds (including cash values) with the help of a qualified adviser. Most life insurance agents will be neither sophisticated enough nor legally qualified to get into matters involving tax qualified retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

However, every financial professional, by becoming a Wisebird Agent and sharing this honest information, will enjoy a huge source of leads consisting of all persons who have purchased UL or any other variety of cash value life insurance. No apology is required, just the information of having discovered this financially valuable information. Based on being totally honest and open with existing customers, we always observe customers' reactions to be appreciation and gratitude. Discovering an informed and honest life insurance agent is like a breath of fresh air. Provided an opportunity to help others, customers provide referrals voluntarily.

As stated at the beginning of this script, Given the financial crisis in which many families find themselves today we are proud to be able to INCREASE THE DEATH BENEFIT AND REDUCE MONTHLY PREMIUMS BY REPLACING CASH VALUE POLICIES WITH LOW-COST TERM LIFE INSURANCE.

For many, that will be sufficient. For others it will be the beginning of personal financial planning. That is what becoming a WiseBird agent and getting paid to do the right thing is all about for all licensed agents, including every financially well-educated fiduciary.

Coming soon: Click here to find a Wisebird Agent, or become one.

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